What it means to be THAT Mum

I am that Mum.

I am that mum who has the little boy who is different. I am that mum who has the little boy who cannot speak. I am that mum who has the little boy with biggest smile that sometimes hides his complex needs.

I am that mum who the lady in the park shook her head at, because my little boy had what she thought was a tantrum. She ignorantly didn’t see the meltdown due to a complete sensory overload.

I am that mum who the man sighed at when my little boy walked out of the disabled toilet, because he felt he didn’t have the right to be in there.

I am that mum who people apologise to when they find out my son has extra needs. “I’m sorry” they say. Why? He is pretty amazing, you just have to see past his disability and get to know him.

I am that mum who watches people pull their children away from my little boy at playgrounds and in public places. Why? Because he taps and flaps his hands and he screeches. Because he is different.

I am that mum who longs for the day I will hear my little superstar tell me he loves me. Or say any words at all – words that Autism stole from us.

I am that mum who has to turn down so many outings, fun social events and I would love to say parties but those type of invites just don’t come. Not because we don’t want to go, because some days we just cannot do it, because we cannot always control the environment for him to keep him safe.

I am that mum who sits at home at night time wondering what the future holds. Wondering what is to come. Wondering if I am doing enough and what I can do to help him more.

I am that mum who appears to be holding it all together and taking on the world one day at a time. But in reality I am that mum who shows her vulnerability behind closed doors, and asks the question that I will never have the answer to. Why him?

I am that mum who just wants people to understand, who wants people to accept that he is the same as any other child. Who just wants the world to sometimes go at the pace he needs in order to allow him to shine and see how amazing he is.

I am that Mum who hopes to live forever. The one who will advocate and fight till my last breath for a world where he can be understood, included and celebrated.

 But guess what?

I am HIS mum.

And I am the proudest mum in the world!

If you are that Mum, Dad or Carer then I want you to know that our Little Learners sessions will always be open for you and your children. I will always make adjustments, adaptions, raise awareness and have high aspirations for all families who come through my doors who have children who have Autism and any other SEND needs.

I see you, I am here for you and today and everyday I will celebrate you!

Nat x

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