What is messy play and why should you love it?

Does the idea of messy play send shivers down your spine? Perhaps you like to keep your child clean and tidy at all times (well, as far as possible when children are involved!) or maybe you don’t like certain textures yourself? Messy play CAN be wet activities such as paint, mud and spaghetti but it also includes dry materials such as sand, coloured rice and cereals.

Messy play is GREAT for children’s development and has many benefits including:

🌟stimulating curiosity and creativity

🌟helping children learn communication skills – looking at facial expressions, laughing, pointing

🌟increasing concentration by providing them with new experiences

🌟improving physical development, particularly hand/eye coordination

🌟developing gross and fine motor skills which are ESSENTIAL for learning how to write later on in life

Children may be initially reluctant to engage with messy play – it’s new, it’s strange! Given time and space to explore however, they will often get fully involved. Others may throw themselves straight into the experience! Messy play has also been said to support children with their exploration of texture in relation to trying new foods – perhaps you have a little one who is reluctant to try new foods? Giving them the chance to explore textures and tastes in a non-challenging environment (where the outcome is NOT to eat) can increase their confidence and may help them at dinner times. Read more about this here.

At Little Learners we work with you to help you observe your child exploring a variety of experiences – seeing what they enjoy and giving you some ideas of activities to try at home too. Alternatively, just let them get it out of their system during the sessions and enjoy your mess-free home afterwards 😜 Book a term of messy play and mark making and see the benefits that your child can achieve!

💜💜💜Click here to find out more about messy play and mark making classes in your area 💜💜💜

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  1. […] activity for children from 2 years upwards! And is nice way to introduce a new activity alongside Messy Play! Take a few pages from a magazine, catalogue or old birthday card and & grab some glue and a […]

  2. […] activity for children from 2 years upwards! And is nice way to introduce a new activity aside from Messy Play! Take a few pages from a magazine, catalogue or old birthday cards. Grab some glue and a pair of […]

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