Top 100 Franchises 2021!

Can you believe we’ve done it again? Little Learners have made the Top 100 Franchises for the THIRD YEAR RUNNING!

We really love providing all of you with our fun & exciting Messy Mark Making classes, so is means the absolute world to us when we get such an amazing recognition.

2020 hasn’t been easy in the slightest. All of our fantastic franchisees have had the most testing, uncertain and stressful year when it has came to running their own businesses. But you know what? They have all smashed it out of the park. Making sure that they could keep you all entertained in your own homes providing FREE daily Live activity sessions, online classes and they’ve even delivered and posted a range of resources for you to mark make, craft and get messy at home.

So a HUGE well done to them all, for helping to keep the boat a float and helping us achieve another Top 100 Franchises award! We really wouldn’t be where we are today if we didn’t have them all on board.

Not forgetting a massive well done to our Founder, CEO and general good egg Rachel! Not only for being the best boss lady but for creating our Mark Makers, developing our Early Writing Programme and following through on her dream to give children under 5 a fun and exciting introduction to Early Writing.

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