Themed Tuff Trays!

Here at Little Learners we pride ourselves in our ability to provide AMAZING themed tuff trays for our classes, parties and special events. We have over 6 years of experience providing messy play mark making trays for our Little Learners to enjoy!!

Imagine if we were to go back and look at every single tray we had put together AND counted them!! There has got to be thousands surely? Over 30 franchisees running at least 3 classes a week, with events on top WHOA! Anyone who is willing to take that task on is a legend hehe!!

Soo as you can imagine we ARE NOT going to be attempting that today! Instead we want to show you a few of our favourite themed tuff trays. From using custard for Easter chicks to gravy and veg for a very special Christmas Dinner tray, we’ve had some corkers!!

Let’s take a trip ‘Under The Sea’ How fab are these please? Pasta and rice fishes, mashed potato and spaghetti hoop octopus and a fab Gelli Baff ocean scene!! Not forgetting a super duper beach tray using sand, coloured sand and fishy moulds!

Ahh Peppa Pig!! Some parents are not a fan, however the littles LOVE her! Chocolate gloop muddy puddles, sandy Peppa picture and Soap Foam Peppa head!

Dinosaur Roar!! How cool? We don’t know many little ones who wouldn’t adore these dino themed trays. Coloured rice, cereal, moon dough and sloppy porridge all used to create a dino dream land!

When you wish upon a star….. These ones are for the Disney fans! We get so many requests to create Disney themed classes, parties and events! Who knew icing sugar and crushed bourbon biscuits could create the lovable Olaf? Or using green smash, spaghetti, bourbon biscuits, cupcakes, mushrooms and cress could bring Alice in Wonderland to life?

We all love a farm trip, right? We absolutely adore bringing our farm themed sessions to life. Spaghetti and sand sheep, blue cake mix pond with krispie treat stones and cress, bourbon biscuit mud with real veggies and a firm fave…. Cereal animal farm scene!

We hope you have enjoyed looking over some of our favourite themed trays! Don’t forget that anything is possible when you put your mind to it!!

Find out more about our classes and events here >>

Find out more about our themed birthday parties here >>

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