Children’s Mental Health Week – Worry Doll Craft

Children’s Mental Health is so important, especially at this current time in their lives! Our Children have gone through the weirdest and most stressful year of their lives recently. Covid has forced them to stay home away from their family, friends and of course school. Life as they know it has flipped and they are struggling. This Children’s Mental Health Week, let’s remind our little ones that it’s okay to feel your emotions, and that there are ways to help!

Our children are our greatest achievements, our loves & our legacy. We need to support them daily with their mental health. Whether it be that they are a bit quieter than normal, or that they refuse to do an activity they love. Ask them if they are okay? Would they like to talk about why they are feeling down? Always, ALWAYS ask. Never assume “it’s just because they are tired” that may well be the case, but nothing stops us from checking up on our children.

There is so much out there now to help us, help them be strong and proud individuals. Play them inspirational music, read them books reflecting how they may be feeling, do activities with them that may cheer them up. But most importantly BE THERE, not just physically but emotionally. Our children need our hugs, our words of wisdom and our full attention.

To celebrate Children’s Mental Health Week, we at Little Learners have put together a small craft for you to try with your little ones, especially those that have Worriers at home.

Our craft comes from the book, Silly Billy by Anthony Browne. All about a little boy who worried about everything. Billy’s Grandma notices Billy’s worries and helps him to create his own Worry Dolls, to tell his worries to.

Here’s what you will need to make your own!

  • Lolly sticks
  • String/ribbon
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Glue stick
  • Dolly peg
  • Googly eyes
  • Scissors
  • Lots of glitter, sequins and anything that your little one may like to decorate theirs with!

Why not give it a go with your little ones?

Have them listen to the story and then watch our YouTube video on how to make your very own >>

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