Christmas Mark Making Activities

EEEEKKKK It’s December and that means Christmas! At Little Learners we love this time of year and theming our classes and events. I have lots of activities planned and my own children helped me test out a few at home, so I thought we would share some Christmas crafts for kids this blog. Please do let us know if you try any at home as we would love to know how you get on.

Masher Snowman

For this activity all you need is a potato masher, white paint, paper (coloured) and some felt tips.

We squirted a blob of white paint onto a plate and dabbed the masher. The children loved this part. We then dabbed the masher onto the paper. To make a snowman it would look better on darker paper as the white would stand out better. We did talk about the circles joining as initially my daughter dabbed both ends of the paper and the snowman’s head was floating in the air! I must admit the blobs of paint were rather thick! So we decided to put them to one side and let them dry overnight.

Once dry we used felt tips and colouring pencils to add details; eyes, orange carrot nose, scarf, hat, buttons, mouth and stick arms. My children also added snowflakes and their own details too which was fab.

Bingo Baubles

This is perfect for a less messy activity! All you need is some bingo dabbers and a Christmas picture. We used a picture with dots on but a plain outline would work too. The children had fun making their mark in different colours. We then cut them out and being a teacher, I obviously own a laminator! So we laminated the finished baubles. These will look fab with some string hanging in a window or on the children’s windows as part of their Christmas Window display. A great activity for exploring patterns and shapes. Alternatively you could use paint and dab using fingers, which may become a slightly more messy activity!

Paper Snowflakes

A classic for Christmas and a great one for older children too. Using scissors helps children develop their fine motor skills as well as a key life skill. All you need is paper and scissors. We used children’s scissors for this activity. (Do supervise your child if using normal sharp scissors.) We drew round a flower pot to get a nice big circle, cut it out, folded it (a few times) and cut out little shapes. It was a great way of talking about halving and what a quarter looks like. The snowflakes look great on the windows.

Hope you enjoy recreating these amazing Christmas crafts for kids!

Happy Christmas,

Lene xx

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