The Safe Return Of Classes

It’s SO good to be back!! We’re pleased to announce we’ve been given the ‘We’re Good To Go Industry Standard’ mark of approval for Little Learners Classes to Return! 

We’ve been working our socks off behind the scenes once again to bring you the best WELCOME BACK EVER!! We have all of our Safety Measures in place, to ensure that you and your little ones can enjoy our Mark Making classes in a clean, safe and fun environment!

We even have our very own ‘Welcome Back’ video so you all know what to expect when returning!!  

Our amazing team have all taken part in an Infection Control Course💜

Our classes are running a little differently to normal as we continue to follow our Covid Safety Guidelines for your safety and piece of mind during the continued pandemic.
By booking onto our classes you are confirming you have read and agree to the terms below and will be fully responsibility for making sure your child and yourself are adhering to these important guidelines at all times. We understand it is hard for children to socially distance but in order for our classes to continue running we must put in the correct measures and try our very best to adhere to them.

Key Guidelines
– Face coverings must be worn by adults at all times inside the venue, unless medically exempt.
– Class sizes will be adjusted to adhere to Government Guidelines.
– Please do not come to class if you or any of your household have a temperature or any symptoms of covid-19
– Only 1 adult may accompany a child
– Families should socially distance and make sure there’s 1m+ between them and others at all times
– Each child will be given their own Mark Making Toolkit at the beginning of class.
– Mark Making Tools should be used at each station and children should refrain from touching the resources or ingesting them. (If your child has been allocated their own tray, then they are permitted to use their hands)
– Children must not sit or stand in the trays unless they have been allocated their own tray for the duration of class.
– Edible play will not be currently used in our classes.
– There will be anti bac wipes at each station for you to wipe over the area after you have used it.
– You should also sanitise your hands between stations.
– There will be limited water at the end of the session to get your child washed as they will not be as messy as they usually would be. We would prefer you bringing your own baby wipes and cleaning your child that way.
– Please try to refrain from bringing a lot of luggage or bulky items such as buggies into the venue as we are going to have limited space.

How will our classes work I hear you ask!?

1. On entering the venue you will pick up a sealed and sanitised Mark Making Tool Kit for your child which will include mark making tools, a ribbon, some play dough, a sticker and small hand sanitiser.
(Kit content may vary and extras can be purchased such as our mark making guide.)
2. You will sanitise your hands, enter the room and will be directed to a chair to sit on. You will stay in that spot until everyone has arrived. There will be a small bucket of water and soap at your chair so that we can wash our hands all together along to our Mark Makers Wash Your Hands Song. Depending on the venue you will then stay in your seats for the starter activity or be directed to sit a spot on the mats.
3. After the starter activity you will be directed to your first mark making station (or depending on the class you may have your own tray). There will be a limit of 1 family per station, sometimes 2 if able to social distance.
4. You will then rotate around the room ensuring each child has the opportunity to explore each station.
5. We will still have tidy up time but it will consist of you popping your used tools into the tidy up tub.
6. We will gather back on the matted area on your spots or your seats to wash our hands once more and do our cool down.
7. Families will then award the sticker to their child and filter out of the room one family at a time.

We know things are a little different, but hopefully in following these rules we will be able to get back to normal sooner rather than later.
Your Tool Kit will include mark making tools, a ribbon, some play dough, a sticker and small hand sanitiser.
(Kit content may vary and extras can be purchased such as our mark making guide.)

Thank You for taking the time to read through our Safety guidelines.

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