Franchisee Case Study! Little Learners North West Kent

We wanted to share a Franchisee Case Study from Aisha who runs Little Learners North West Kent on her experience with owning a franchise with us here at Little Learners. Aisha is a hugely valued member of the family and every month are so proud of all the huge things she achieves in her business!

This is what Aisha said in her Franchisee Case Study:

I have been the proud owner of Little Learners North West Kent since August 2020 when I bought my Franchise at the height of the pandemic. It was a huge risk, and leap of faith but when you have an urge to change your life, there isn’t much that can deter you from that. The start of my journey as a bright-eyed bushy-tailed new business owner was lockdowns, gruelling COVID measures, regaining financial stability, immense challenges to what used to be my comfort zone and now finally growth. 

It has been hard work, and I say that owning a business gets you a work-life balance in the sense of opening up more pockets of free time – IT DOESNT! That’s because it’s essentially your baby and you invest so much of yourself into it to make it a success – YOU are your business. But what it does do is that it gives you free time on YOUR terms, and control over your schedule so that you can prioritise things that are important to you. You can make a doctor’s appointment without letting anyone down, you can celebrate your birthday, and family events even if they’re mid-week! If you have children, you don’t need anyone’s permission to go watch them in a show or pick them up and drop them off at school. You can grow your business as much or as little as you like.

It’s not an easy way of life, but it is a way of life that you control and live on your terms and for that reason, I am so glad to have taken a mid-pandemic leap of faith and landed myself as part of Little Learners – a business that has certainly changed my life, made me unafraid to be seen and recognised for everything that I can offer as a teacher and business owner.

Thank you to the team at head office, the mentors, the experienced business owners, but most of all my Franchisor Rachel – although I invested in your franchise financially, you have sacrificed your time and invested so much time into me personally, and without your business savvy, amazing brain, your care and friendship, and the network of amazing franchisees you’ve built, I would not be where I am today.

A huge thank you to Aisha for talking us through your experience of buying a franchise with us! It’s great to hear that you have earned a significant income but gained the freedom you have been looking for!

If you want to find out more about buying a franchise with Little Learners, please click here!

If you’re wanting a chat with a member of the team right away as you have read enough, please click here.

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