Celebrating Success in Early Years Learning

Celebrating success means acknowledging the achievements our children make – be they big or small! At Little Learners, we celebrate every success and milestone a child makes in class. It is our job to encourage children to develop in to well rounded students and then adults, who possess self confidence and feel equipped to deal with the world around them.

How we celebrate success?

The Mark Makers early writing programme is DESIGNED to celebrate success. Each week of a Little Learners Term focuses on a different Mark Maker (who all represent one of the 4 fundamental shapes that make up all letters and numbers). So, when you child masters straight lines (or Soldier Marks), they receive a sticker which can then be taken home and added to their progress books or worn with pride!

Verbal Praise

Praise can have an affirming effect on our children. Meaningful praise is a reward that most children respond well to and is a great way to reaffirm success and encourage repeat behaviour. Praise has also been thought to improve students’ attitudes about learning – creating a lifelong love of education and further willingness to try new things.

Milestones to Celebrate Success!

If you come visit us at Little Learners Playspace Ashington, you’ll notice our milestone cards scattered throughout our activities. These act as gentle reminders to children AND parents about the purpose of our classes… to learn! Milestone cards create opportunities for parents and our class leaders to speak directly to children about WHY they are doing a specific activity. For example… ‘let’s master our circles so we can write our own name!’

A child celebrating their success with a Little Learners Milestone Card at Little Learners Playspace Ashington


After a successful term, our Little Learners graduate – either moving on to a new term or leaving us for school! Although an emotional time, we love to see the smiles on our graduates faces as they receive their Master Mark Maker certificate! Many of our franchisees go the extra mile when celebrating success and hold a small ceremony with caps and gowns… a great way of making our learners feel special, again reinforcing that their are rewards for academic success!

A Little Learners Master Mark Maker graduating from class!

Don’t forget, if you’re looking for a quick activity to help boost your child’s confidence then check out our FREE downloadable affirmations pack HERE!

To find your nearest class, use our map HERE!

Team Little Learners!

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